I expect you to bring a laptop which you will use for the presentation. Group members can share the laptop but each student is expected to prepare their own presentations.

You will give the presentation at alloted time in room 333a in Math and Physics Building.

Guideline for the oral presentation.

1. Explain the experiment as if I don't know the details at all. Assume that you are telling this information to someone who has not seen the experiment at all.

2. Summarize your description as much as possible: you don't have too much time. Touch on the most important aspects of the experiments.

3. Describe the data taking process, data, your analysis. Remember that you are limited in time. You should avoid being bogged down in the details here but the description should clarify what you have done.

4. Draw conclusion based on your analysis.

5. Be prepared to answer any questions regarding the experiment. In particular, it is very important to understand the reason behind each action you took while performing the experiment. Examples of these questions are "Why did you do this experiment? What was the purpose? Why did you set the voltage at 30 microvolts? Why not 30 mV?"

6. Prepare to answer the tasks performed by each member of the team.

Grading criteria

Presentation Clarity [style of presentation] : 15 %

Experimental Data [quality of data] : 30 %

Experiment Execution : 30 %

Extra Experiments [such as troubleshooting the experiment or performing extra measurements] : 15 %

Group Dynamics: 10 % [for this category, one score is assigned to everyone in the group]